This tool provides the latest market exchange rates and other data about different digital currencies that helps traders to understand the recent market trends. It provides Market Capitalizations, Price, 24 Hour Trade Volume, Circulating Supply, and 24 Hour Change Percentage for each cryptocurrency. The data can be exported to Excel file as well. It can provide information about all top digital currencies in the world including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH), Ethereum Classic (ETC). This information can be used to make better predictions and wiser trades.
Script Details:-
Price: $30
Online Demo: Click Here
Purchase: Buy Now
Product Delivery: Via Email
Requirements: PHP on any platform
Files may include: PHP, HTML, JS, CSS with full source code
Regular License: Use this item on single or multiple domains that you own. You are allowed to do customizations or modifications
Support Email:
(TAX/VAT: Please email if you want to get purchase link without VAT fee)
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